Glacier Harvest

Matt Samolis: flute, percussion, beer bottle
Steve Norton: alto saxophone, bass clarinet, percussion, game calls, bottle opener


1. Glacier Harvest 11 (3:00)   [ mp3 ]

2. Whadya mean by "blocks"? (3:17)   [ mp3 ]

3. Glacier Foghorn Trio (7:14)   [ mp3 ]

4. Cymbal Harvest (8:28)   [ mp3 ]

5. Pearl 1 (6:07)   [ mp3 ]

6. Pearl 2 (2:36)   [ mp3 ]

7. Pearl 3 (2:31)   [ mp3 ]

You can download the whole album in a single .ZIP file here:   [ ZIP ]
and a full-resolution printable jewel-case cover in .PDF format here:   [ PDF ]

(hint: click the linked text in the square brackets)


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